Our Software. Their Stories.
See how Compete® Club Management Software has helped businesses like yours.
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Christie Estrada
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Compete 7.35 Product Updates Release Video

Learn about the latest changes, improvements, and additions coming to Compete.

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Emergency Weekend Support

Our Software. Their Stories.
See how Compete® Club Management Software has helped businesses like yours.
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Katie Swetala
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Compete 7.35 Product Updates Release Video

Learn about the latest changes, improvements, and additions coming to Compete.

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Emergency Weekend Support


See how Compete® Club Management Software has helped businesses like yours.
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Herstory Spotlight

Samantha Kelly, MS
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Bytes and Biceps Podcast

Uncover the secrets to a 99% collectability rate in our first podcast episode as we interview Paul Reed, owner of Mt. Hood Athletic Club.

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Emergency Weekend Support


Full-Service Billing

Done Right

You didn’t get into the fitness business to run the back office. That’s okay. We’re here to help.

Powerful features, customization, and flexible services

Tailored for a
seamless experience

You're in Charge

Local control is essential for you to manage your club effectively. Under your direction, we manage your data, giving you more time to manage your club. You decide how much or how little interaction you have with our staff.

Real-time information at the club means you don’t have to download or update your club’s database. Instead, new contracts, additional services, visits, local club charges, and member changes are in the system immediately. Plus, you own the data – it’s local, accessible, and yours.

It's Interactive

Member Management Services from Jonasâ„¢ Fitness provides all of the benefits of in-house software and the advantages of outsourcing your billing. The difference is that you always know what is happening with your members.

Member changes, payments, and notes are immediately visible in your system. You’ll never have to wonder if a member has been contacted or worry about a member’s status. Your club has up-to-the-second access to all information. In addition, our experts perform due diligence billing research and inform you of important data trends or issues they uncover.

Reporting That Makes Sense

Club management, billing, and reporting all reside harmoniously in our software, making reporting and financial accountability easy and dependable for you and your club. Receive automated monthly summaries, or view your corporate dashboard for up-to-the-minute daily business reports to stay up to date on your club’s billing.

Save YOUR Money

Member Management Services from Jonasâ„¢ Fitness are affordable. Our professional staff can manage all billing processes for you at a lower cost than hiring your own staff. In addition, since we are running your billing process for you, all funds are settled directly into your account (not ours), providing quicker access to your money.

Collect More - Keep More

While our MBS service helps you collect more, our streamlined processing puts your funds (including member late and declined payment fees) in your account within two business days or less.

Other key benefits of our Member Billing Services

More reasons to love MBS

Data Management

We offer around the clock support for your club when it comes to our software. Whether you need some with a member record or find a bug in the product, you can be confident we’ll always be there for you.

1-800 Call Center

Year after year we’ve consistently met our goal of 99.9% system uptime. This means that our software is always ‘on’ so you don’t have to worry about any missed revenue caused by software outages.

Automated Decline Notifications

There’s always room for improvement. Our product team, delivers 3-4 strategic software releases every year and a dedicated R&D team whose only focus is to deliver on client-specific (Voice of the Customer) requests.

Database Optimization

Beyond our over 300+ canned reports, Compete® boasts an Ad Hoc Query Report Builder – allowing you to build custom reports at no extra cost. All reports are exportable to Microsoft Excel.

Member Communication

Do away with a messy, inefficient paper trail. Compete® supports paperless agreements and e-waivers – housing all the information you need in a single point of access.

Jonas Fitness is more than just club management software. You get a whole team to leverage, from dedicated billing specialists to a call center to help with member management.
- Aaron Pineda, FlexFit Gym President

Get started with Member Billing Services

You’re only a form submission away! See how Jonas Fitness can help with your billing needs with our FREE Billing Consultation.

Claim Your FREE Billing Consultation

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